Our core business is metal machining, cutting, sheet metal working, contructed mechanics, production of machine-frames according to the followings
Food industry
- Parts of packaging machines for food industry
- Grills
- Parts of churn machines for large-scale kitchens
Medical technology
- Pieces of diagnostic devices
- Blood analysing mechanics
- Labor-device mechanics
- Pieces of rehabilitation machines
- Pieces of dental machines
- Pieces of metallic furniture for hospitals
- Components for X-ray machnines
Banking and security technology
- Mechanic parts of management systems
- Document examining mechanics
- Banknote examining mechanics
- Mechanincs of banknote packaging machines
Textile industry
- Components of knitting and weaving machines
Entertainment industry
- Game machine mechanics
Catering trade
- Kiosks
- Warming units
Mechanical Engineering
- Hegesztett gépvázak
- Szekrények
- Burkolatok
Printing industry
- Components of printing machines
Building industry
- Mechanics of tile-cutting machines
- Pointer-cutting machines
- Bars
- Portals
Furniture industry
- Shop facilities
- Metallic furniture
- Decoration elements
- Industrial computer houses
- Components
- Mechanics of informatic terminals
Automotive industry
- Wheel wedge
- Parts of subway doors
- Parts of street-cleaning machine